Software & Technology

Dive into our dynamic Software courses designed to enhance your proficiency in the Microsoft Office Suite including Xero. These interactive sessions are crafted with specialised content tailored to your specific sector. Whether you're a beginner looking to build foundational software skills or an experienced user seeking advanced insights, our courses cater to individuals across the spectrum of software expertise. Join us for an engaging learning experience that meets you at your current skill level and propels you towards mastery.

  • Beginners Excel (EXCE101)

    Become confident navigating your way around Microsoft Excel!

  • Intermediate Excel: Level 1 (EXCE201)

    Build on your skills to become an Excel master user!

  • Intermediate Excel: Level 2 (EXCE301)

    Delve into advanced techniques to streamline your data analysis and reporting processes.

  • Xero Essentials (XERO101)

    Unlock the full potential of Xero for all your financial management needs.

  • Xero Payroll (XERO201)

    Master running your business payroll in Xero.

  • Xero Reports & Activity Statements (XERO301)

    Get to know Xero reports inside out and excel in your business


I used to use a calculator and then input the answer into excel because I didn't understand formulas. Now I have my spreadsheet doing the work for me.

- Jemma, NSW