Finance & Accounting

Immerse yourself in our dynamic Finance Seminars designed to enhance your financial skills. These interactive sessions are crafted with specialized content that caters to your specific sector, making them suitable for individuals ranging from those with basic financial knowledge to those with advanced expertise.

  • Bookkeeping Essentials (BOOK101)

    A program that enhances knowledge in the fundamentals of accounting and bookkeeping.

    Learn More 
  • Budgeting Fundamentals & Key Drivers (BUDG101)

    Enhance and finesse your financial skills in budget development and management.

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  • Home Care Individualised Budgets (HOME101)

    Do you want a better understanding of the key drivers of profitability in the home care sector?

  • NDIS Financial & Business Fundamentals (NDIS101)

    A concise guide to NDIS compliance, quality service provision, and sustainable business growth.

  • NDIS Supported Independent (SIL) Living Essentials (NDIS201)

    Develop your knowledge of SIL and all its complex components.

  • Understanding & Achieving Success in the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Market (NDIS301)

    Understanding & Achieving Success in the Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) Market

  • Resident & Accommodation Payment Fundamentals (RESI101)

    Your guide to simplify the Accommodation Payments in Residential Aged Care.

  • Financial Reporting & Prudential Compliance (RESI201)

    Compliance is a major part of being an Aged Care Provider. Make sure you're fully aware of your obligations.

  • Resident Accommodation Admissions Essentials (RESI401)

    Create exceptional admissions experiences for potential residents, seamlessly turn interest into occupancy, and gain insights into current and future trends in the residential aged care sector.


I love the interactive components in the webinars. They also run at a good pace. Lots of good stuff in helping my role and big compliment to the Dimarcorp Academy team. 

- Yvonne See